Tournament: Stanford Invite, Championship Bracket
Game Time: 10:30 a.m. Sunday, March 6, 2011
Timezone: America/Los_Angeles

Team stats for the game
Team Comp Throws Comp % Ds TO TA Drops
Carleton College 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Wisconsin 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Carleton College Player Stats
Player PT Comp Throws Comp % GLS AST Ds TO OPT DPT OEff DEff
Wisconsin Player Stats
Player PT Comp Throws Comp % GLS AST Ds TO OPT DPT OEff DEff
Score Updates
Team Score Team Comment User Submit Time
Carleton College 15 - 7
Wisconsin Spike 12:08pm
Carleton College 15 - 7
Wisconsin Spike 12:08pm
Twitter Accounts for this Game
Tweets for this Game
@cutrules   Sunday March 6th, 2011, 12:17 p.m. Retweet
CUT strings together a 7-1 run to put the Hodags down 15-7. On to semis!
@cutrules   Sunday March 6th, 2011, 12:07 p.m. Retweet
CUT 7-1 run to close out wisc 15-7. Semis in 20
@hodaglove   Sunday March 6th, 2011, 12:03 p.m. Retweet
7-15, Carleton goes on to play winner of Harvard v Oregon.
@hodaglove   Sunday March 6th, 2011, 12:00 p.m. Retweet
7-14. Got D'd on a low deep huck.
@hodaglove   Sunday March 6th, 2011, 11:58 a.m. Retweet
7-13, we turned it on a contested fast count... Not your usual turnover.
@hodaglove   Sunday March 6th, 2011, 11:50 a.m. Retweet
7-11, bladey backhand from Feldman to DPark in the back corner.
@hodaglove   Sunday March 6th, 2011, 11:45 a.m. Retweet
6-11. We aren't throwing well to our unders.
@hodaglove   Sunday March 6th, 2011, 11:43 a.m. Retweet
6-10. We look bad at throwing understand sometimes.
@hodaglove   Sunday March 6th, 2011, 11:39 a.m. Retweet
6-9 after a couple wasted break chances.
@hodaglove   Sunday March 6th, 2011, 11:30 a.m. Retweet
6-8, Dan Park and Bergen have a tea party.
@cutrules   Sunday March 6th, 2011, 11:23 a.m. Retweet
CUT two breaks to take half over WI 8-5
@hodaglove   Sunday March 6th, 2011, 11:15 a.m. Retweet
5-7, another break, unfortunately. Also, this game has been impressively clean and fast-moving.
@hodaglove   Sunday March 6th, 2011, 11:09 a.m. Retweet
5-6, on a huck to a speedy Grant Lindsley.
@hodaglove   Sunday March 6th, 2011, 11:06 a.m. Retweet
5-5, Pat with a great huck to EA.
@hodaglove   Sunday March 6th, 2011, 11:04 a.m. Retweet
4-5, Carleton scores NOT on a huck, weird.
@hodaglove   Sunday March 6th, 2011, 11:02 a.m. Retweet
4-4. Bergen scoobers to Danny, earning the break back.
@hodaglove   Sunday March 6th, 2011, 11:00 a.m. Retweet
Hodags get the D and take a timeout on their endzone.
@hodaglove   Sunday March 6th, 2011, 10:59 a.m. Retweet
3-4 Colin hucks to former GOP player EA for the goal. Continuing the trend of exGOPers beating up CUT.
@hodaglove   Sunday March 6th, 2011, 10:52 a.m. Retweet
2-3... Bergen hucks to Colin.
@hodaglove   Sunday March 6th, 2011, 10:46 a.m. Retweet
1-3, CUT gets a layout D and throws it immediately into the endzone.
@hodaglove   Sunday March 6th, 2011, 10:43 a.m. Retweet
1-1, Dan Park to Talter after a lot of patient goal-line swings.
@hodaglove   Sunday March 6th, 2011, 10:39 a.m. Retweet
0-1, Carleton scores on a deep ball after both teams turn it in their endzones.
@hodaglove   Sunday March 6th, 2011, 10:31 a.m. Retweet
Starting on D in quarters vs the CUT


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