Tournament: North Central Open Regionals, Pool A
Game Time: 9:00 a.m. Saturday, April 28, 2012
Timezone: US/Central

Team stats for the game
Team Comp Throws Comp % Ds TO TA Drops
Wisconsin 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Minnesota-Duluth 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Wisconsin Player Stats
Player PT Comp Throws Comp % GLS AST Ds TO OPT DPT OEff DEff
Minnesota-Duluth Player Stats
Player PT Comp Throws Comp % GLS AST Ds TO OPT DPT OEff DEff
Score Updates
Team Score Team Comment User Submit Time
Wisconsin 11 - 7
Minnesota-Duluth Mark "Spike" Liu 3:47pm
Twitter Accounts for this Game
Tweets for this Game
@hodaglove   Saturday April 28th, 2012, 11:10 a.m. Retweet
Goal Hodags!!! Anonymous to turtle. 4-0 Hodags. 11:10am
@hodaglove   Saturday April 28th, 2012, 11:10 a.m. Retweet
"Goal Hodags" was a boo-boo...never mind 11:10am
@hodaglove   Saturday April 28th, 2012, 11:09 a.m. Retweet
Pull. Hodags on Defense. Line: alter, kelsen, kyle, sam, shane, turtle, zeman. 11:08am
@hodaglove   Saturday April 28th, 2012, 11:06 a.m. Retweet
Goal Hodags!!! coolidge to zeman. 3-0 Hodags. 11:06am
@hodaglove   Saturday April 28th, 2012, 11:05 a.m. Retweet
Pull. Hodags on Defense. Line: coolidge, danny, dayu, kyle, tuna, wiseman, zeman. 11:05am
@hodaglove   Saturday April 28th, 2012, 11:04 a.m. Retweet
Goal Hodags!!! dayu to coolidge. 2-0 Hodags. 11:04am
@hodaglove   Saturday April 28th, 2012, 11:04 a.m. Retweet
Game against whitewater, rising, 15 mph wind. 1/0 hidags
@hodaglove   Saturday April 28th, 2012, 11:04 a.m. Retweet
Pull. Hodags on Defense. Line: alter, coolidge, danny, dayu, Jerry, kelsen, wiseman. 11:04am
@hodaglove   Saturday April 28th, 2012, 10:18 a.m. Retweet
Pull. hodags on Defense. Line: Jerry, kelsen, kyle, novo, peter, sam, tuna. 10:18am
@hodaglove   Saturday April 28th, 2012, 10:13 a.m. Retweet
Goal hodags!!! coolidge to zeman. 11-7 hodags. 10:12am
@hodaglove   Saturday April 28th, 2012, 10:09 a.m. Retweet
Pull. hodags on Defense. Line: alter, coolidge, craig, danny, dayu, shane, wiseman. 10:09am
@hodaglove   Saturday April 28th, 2012, 10:08 a.m. Retweet
Goal hodags!!! rainy to brian. 10-7 hodags. 10:07am
@hodaglove   Saturday April 28th, 2012, 10:06 a.m. Retweet
Pull. hodags on Offense. Line: aaron, brian, colin, dan, jordan, rainy, tanner. 10:06am
@hodaglove   Saturday April 28th, 2012, 10:05 a.m. Retweet
Goal Duluth. 9-7 hodags. 10:05am
@hodaglove   Saturday April 28th, 2012, 10:04 a.m. Retweet
Pull. hodags on Defense. Line: alter, danny, kyle, sam, shane, turtle, wiseman. 10:03am
@hodaglove   Saturday April 28th, 2012, 10:02 a.m. Retweet
Goal hodags!!! brian to becker. 9-6 hodags. 10:02am
@hodaglove   Saturday April 28th, 2012, 10:00 a.m. Retweet
Pull. hodags on Offense. Line: aaron, becker, brian, pat, rainy, simmons, tanner. 10:00am
@hodaglove   Saturday April 28th, 2012, 9:58 a.m. Retweet
Pull. hodags on Defense. Line: alter, coolidge, dayu, Jerry, kelsen, wiseman, zeman. 9:58am
@hodaglove   Saturday April 28th, 2012, 9:58 a.m. Retweet
Goal Duluth. 8-6 hodags. 9:58am
@hodaglove   Saturday April 28th, 2012, 9:48 a.m. Retweet
Goal hodags!!! colin to jordan. 8-5 hodags. 9:48am
@hodaglove   Saturday April 28th, 2012, 9:48 a.m. Retweet
Pull. hodags on Offense. Line: brian, colin, dan, jordan, pat, rainy, simmons. 9:48am
@hodaglove   Saturday April 28th, 2012, 9:46 a.m. Retweet
Goal Duluth. 7-5 hodags. 9:46am
@hodaglove   Saturday April 28th, 2012, 9:45 a.m. Retweet
Pull. hodags on Defense. Line: craig, kyle, sam, tuna, turtle, wiseman, zeman. 9:45am
@hodaglove   Saturday April 28th, 2012, 9:41 a.m. Retweet
Goal hodags!!! kelsen to coolidge. 7-4 hodags. 9:41am
@hodaglove   Saturday April 28th, 2012, 9:34 a.m. Retweet
Pull. hodags on Defense. Line: alter, coolidge, danny, dayu, Jerry, kelsen, wiseman. 9:34am
@hodaglove   Saturday April 28th, 2012, 9:33 a.m. Retweet
Goal hodags!!! colin to aaron. 6-4 hodags. 9:32am
@hodaglove   Saturday April 28th, 2012, 9:29 a.m. Retweet
Pull. hodags on Offense. Line: aaron, colin, dan, jordan, pat, simmons, tanner. 9:29am
@hodaglove   Saturday April 28th, 2012, 9:27 a.m. Retweet
Goal Duluth. 5-4 hodags. 9:27am
@hodaglove   Saturday April 28th, 2012, 9:25 a.m. Retweet
Pull. hodags on Offense. Line: becker, brian, colin, jordan, rainy, simmons, tanner. 9:25am
@hodaglove   Saturday April 28th, 2012, 9:24 a.m. Retweet
Goal Duluth. 5-3 hodags. 9:24am
@hodaglove   Saturday April 28th, 2012, 9:22 a.m. Retweet
Pull. hodags on Defense. Line: alter, coolidge, danny, simmons, tuna, turtle, wiseman. 9:21am
@hodaglove   Saturday April 28th, 2012, 9:20 a.m. Retweet
Goal hodags!!! dan to brian. 5-2 hodags. 9:20am
@hodaglove   Saturday April 28th, 2012, 9:19 a.m. Retweet
Pull. hodags on Offense. Line: aaron, becker, brian, dan, pat, rainy, simmons. 9:19am
@hodaglove   Saturday April 28th, 2012, 9:17 a.m. Retweet
Goal Duluth. 4-2 hodags. 9:17am
@hodaglove   Saturday April 28th, 2012, 9:16 a.m. Retweet
Pull. hodags on Defense. Line: alter, dayu, Jerry, kelsen, kyle, novo, zeman. 9:16am
@hodaglove   Saturday April 28th, 2012, 9:14 a.m. Retweet
Goal hodags!!! colin to jordan. 4-1 hodags. 9:14am
@hodaglove   Saturday April 28th, 2012, 9:14 a.m. Retweet
Pull. hodags on Offense. Line: aaron, colin, dan, jordan, pat, rainy, simmons. 9:14am
@hodaglove   Saturday April 28th, 2012, 9:12 a.m. Retweet
Goal Duluth. 3-1 hodags. 9:12am
@hodaglove   Saturday April 28th, 2012, 9:11 a.m. Retweet
Pull. hodags on Defense. Line: coolidge, craig, danny, jake, kelsen, peter, shane. 9:10am
@hodaglove   Saturday April 28th, 2012, 9:11 a.m. Retweet
Game 1 against Duluth. 15 mph wind, hodags up 3-0


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